Travel Writer and Sydney Observer Editor Jay Kamdha was recently a guest aboard PS Emmylou. Read Jay’s review of his experience.

Travel Writer and Sydney Observer Editor Jay Kamdha was recently a guest aboard PS Emmylou. Read Jay’s review of his experience.
My partner Gill and I completed the 7 day cruise on Emmylou recently.. Overall the trip could not be faulted .Our hostess Julie was fabulous, always there for a cuppa. Meals were restuarant quality. BBQs ashore with entertainment by Wazza first class.Our traveling companions were all friendly and jovial. The bus trips ashore were interesting and educational.
I have build a couple of model boats, one a steam powered tugboat HERCULES. I need another project, and Emmylou would be a good choice. However I need drawings of the hull. Even basic outlines would be a help. I have taken a nunber of photos of her so the superstructure is not a problem, but I need information on the basic hull shape, and your help would be appreciated. I foundf full drawings of Hercules online from a Maritime Museum in Sanfrancisco, but I dont need that much detail. I could probably guess the hull shape, but I would like my model to be authentic.
Regards Bob Field and Gill Meddings.